there are several type of banking service:
1. Pawn Shops
From what I know about pawnshops, we can exchange our goods with money. To take our goods back, we have to pay by installments.
2. Credit Card
A credit card is cards that allow their holders to make purchases of goods and services in exchange for the credit card’s provider immediately paying for the goods or service, and the card holder promising to pay back the amount of the purchase to the card provider over a period of time, and with interest.
3. ATMs Card
If we want to take or give our money quickly, we can use ATM
4. consultancy
commercial banks are large organizations. They can expand their function to
consultancy business. In this function, banks hire financial, legal and market
experts who provide advice to customers in regarding investment, industry,
trade, income, tax etc.
Not only that,
but banking service can also be a personality (be polite,
friendly,) and performed (dressed neatly, politely, and clean).
Services performed by banks can also be material. For example if connecting with a predetermined amount, will get a motor. Service in this form can be used to attract people to become customers or retain old customers
Services performed by banks can also be material. For example if connecting with a predetermined amount, will get a motor. Service in this form can be used to attract people to become customers or retain old customers