Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Credit Cards

In the modern era, people are pampered by technological advances that make people work faster and more practical. One of them by shopping. Now, we do not need to bring too much money to buy goods, banks provide services to facilitate us to make transactions. This is certainly beneficial, especially if we need money in times of emergency.
 there is some tips if you are denied credit

if you think the reasons for the denial are valid:
*1Ask the creditor if you can provide additional information or arrange alternate credit terms.
*2Apply to another creditor whose standards may be different.
*3Do the things you need to do to improve your creditworthiness (pay bills on time, increase
*4income, reduce spending, obtain a secured card, etc.) and then reapply.
if you are not sure whether the reason for the denial is valid:
*1Ask the creditor to explain why you were denied.
*2Review your credit history.
*3If you find your credit history contains errors, take steps to correct the errors. 
if you believe the reason for the denial is invalid and that the creditor has discriminated against you:
1. Notify the federal enforcement agency whose name you were given by the creditor. The federal enforcement agency will investigate and report back to you.
2 If you can afford it, hire an attorney to file suit against the creditor. If the court determines the creditor did discriminate, the creditor will be required to pay you actual damages plus punitive damages 

Sets up a procedure for the quick correction of mistakes that appear on consumer credit accounts.
*1You can challenge a billing statement for errors such as charges for unauthorized purchases,
*2charges for items that were never delivered, failure to credit a payment, etc.
*3You must notify the creditor of a disputed item within 60 days.
*4Creditor must investigate and, within two billing periods, either correct the mistake or explain why the charge is not in error.
*5 You cannot be billed for or forced to pay the disputed amount until the creditor has finished the investigation.
*6 If it is determined that you are responsible for the bill, you must be given the usual amount of time to pay it.
*7 Your credit history is protected during the dispute process.
*8 Creditor must supply customers with a statement of their rights at the time the account is opened and at least twice a year thereafter.

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