Senin, 22 Mei 2017

Savings and Investing

Today many people are increasingly aware of the importance of savings and investing for future security, so many banks have also issued facilities to help the community. example:1. conventional savings, this type of savings widely used Indonesian society. The facilities obtained if they have this type of savings are able to save money, deposit money, take money anytime, and check the activity of a current account.2. Savings Current AccountGiro Savings is a special savings account for business transactions.3. Hajj savings
Usually the customer is required to deposit money around Rp 100 thousand to Rp 500 thousand per month.When the money has been collected successfully collected around Rp 25 million - Rp 30 million, you can register to the ministry of religion.The more sophisticated the technology, the mindset of society is also more advanced. Many people ranging from young to old to invest. But a lot of people who do wrong investments that even cause harm.

there are some tips how to avoidinginvestment fraud:
1. Do not get caught up with false promises
2. Avoid Selling Sellers
3. Beware of sellers by coaxing
4. Beware of Replication and Funds
5. Avoid unclear companies
6. Observe the permit from the Supervisory
7. Remember the Investment Principle 

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